What is Born for More?

BORN FOR MORE – the intercultural trainee program for young people.

Whether from Germany, Afghanistan, or Nigeria, in engaging training sessions, the trainees discover their strengths, and in a selected practical project, they further develop their skills.

What should I pay attention to when leading a group or standing on stage? How can I help resolve conflicts – for example, at a youth camp? How do I navigate safely on intercultural thin ice? And what is important when conversing with members of other religions?

The course content is delivered simply and vividly. Interactive and not overly formal – fun is not neglected.

And how does it work exactly?

The BORN FOR MORE group meets regularly, for at least four months. For example, every other Friday evening at 7 p.m. This allows community to form and trust to grow.

Personal relationships are of great importance. Therefore, there is usually a shared dinner and occasional outings – such as a bike tour, a trip to the cinema, or a cozy ice cream gathering.

During and after the course, we assist the trainees in finding a suitable practical project – whether it’s a summer camp, an international service, a women’s gathering, or another project – it helps them progress and is simply enjoyable!

In addition, we provide the trainees with a certificate acknowledging their successful course participation and voluntary commitment.

We have everything prepared

Sounds elaborate? Don’t worry! We have prepared course sessions and materials to make it as easy as possible for you. Everything is provided to you free of charge. Furthermore, we regularly invite all course leaders to a learning community so that we can exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Does this sound good? Then join us!